Me llamo Margarita, nací en Mallorca, pero he vivido gran parte de mi vida en Barcelona.
A los 18 años fui a estudiar derecho a Barcelona y me quedé fascinada por esta ciudad, moderna, cosmopolita, elegante. Grande y pequeña a la vez, mágica, culta, exquisita, vanguardista …, así que decidí establecerme. Mi vida transcurre en Barcelona aunque siempre tengo un ojo puesto en mi isla donde tengo a mi madre, muchos amigos y parte de mi. En verano vuelvo con los míos a Mallorca para disfrutar de mis vacaciones con los que más quiero. Sin embargo, es un error asociar Mallorca al verano, aunque comprendo lo fácil que resulta caer en este tópico; felicito y animo a los viajeros que programan su otoño o invierno en Mallorca seguro que resultará una experiencia sensacional, la isla ofrece muchísimos más estímulos y experiencias de los que la mayoría de nuestros huéspedes imaginan. Les animo a descubrirlos, seguro que volverán.
My name is Margarita, I was born in Mallorca, but I have lived a large part of my life in Barcelona.
At age 18 I went to study law in Barcelona and I was fascinated by this city, modern, cosmopolitan, elegant. Big and small at the same time, magical, cultured, exquisite, avant-garde …, so I decided to settle down. My life takes place in Barcelona although I always have an eye on my island where I have my mother, many friends and part of me. In summer I return with my family to Mallorca to enjoy my vacations with the ones I love the most. However, it is a mistake to associate Mallorca with the summer, although I understand how easy it is to fall into this topic; I congratulate and encourage the travelers who plan their autumn or winter in Mallorca for sure it will be a sensational experience, the island offers many more stimuli and experiences than most of our guests imagine. I encourage you to discover them, they will surely return.
In January I usually exhaust my days in Mallorca, usually until after the celebration of Reyes (later, my son starts his school and we must return). Taking advantage of the sunny days walking through the bay of Puerto de Pollensa can not be compared to anything, I think so.
In 2010 I created my own vacation rental company, lovingly reformed all the houses and filled them with lovely details to make sure that the guests felt at home; I think that when you go on vacation everything around you should be beautiful.
I must thank my mother for her generosity and good taste to receive friends at home, I hope I have inherited this virtue, because that is how I try to receive my guests.
All the houses that I present to you, both in Barcelona and in Mallorca, have as a common denominator a perfect location with an idyllic setting and incomparable views.
My son sometimes asks me “Mom, what do you like most about Mallorca or Barcelona? “; or … “Mama that you like more Alaró or Puerto de Pollensa?”
He asks me why he is 5 years old, because he sees me chewing every place, because he does not know yet if he likes to fish furry crabs in Puerto de Pollensa, go hiking in the mountains of Alaró or enjoy everything that Barcelona has to offer and what He does not know is that he will continue to ask him all his life, because I have never stopped doing it.
I am happy to invite you to know my favorite places.
An affectionate hug.